Monday, February 13, 2012

Shoulder Injury Kayaking

No posts for awhile (I have at least one confirmed person who's read my posts, hence this notification!) - I've been out of commission (no paddling) since late September 2011 when I injured my left shoulder during a rolling exercise while taking a kayaking class (thankfully in the afternoon of the last day so it wasn't a complete bust). That's right, not even paddling - just doing a rolling exercise at the direction of the instructor! Would have preferred to have injured it riding a massive wave or shooting some rapids! Word to the wise - keep your hands in front of your body while paddling (within the "box" or safety zone) and don't do anything your heart-and-mind are telling you is a risky maneuver.  Not worth it - physical therapy for rotator cuff tears is no fun, progress can be exceedingly slow, and the surgery option looms in the near future.  My kayaks and equipment gathering dust...  Surgeon tells me I have a footprint tear (pulled away from bone) of my rotator cuff tendon and a torn labrum (cartilage that lines the shoulder socket).  I knew something was wrong immediately - upon injury, after the sharp pain subsided, my arm was like a dead weight. Had to drive home with one hand on the steering wheel. Surgery may involve drilling anchors into bone to re-attach tendon and apparently long rehab.  Keep an eye out for a some used kayaks for sale in the springtime!....(kidding) we'll see how this goes.


blades44 said...

Is the mega bullit xs for sale.
Thanks Chris

Jim said...

Not yet - keep you eye on connyak and in the months to come. Am hoping to rehab the shoulder. Jim